Official Government Website

Cash Management Improvement Act

Questions? - Please contact David Fulkerson, Deputy Administrator / State Financial Officer

The federal government enacted the Cash Management Improvement Act of 1990 (CMIA) to ensure greater efficiency, effectiveness, and equity in the exchange of funds between the federal government and the states, territories, and the District of Columbia. The CMIA regulations require the calculation of an interest liability due to the federal government when the State receives federal funds in advance of disbursement to vendors, sub recipients, or program participants. Similarly, when the State incurs costs for federal programs prior to receiving federal funds, the CMIA allows the State to calculate interest due from the federal government. To implement the CMIA, the federal government prescribed regulations for the transfer of funds for federal programs between the federal government and the State.

The CMIA requires an annual Treasury-State Agreement (TSA) between the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Financial Management Service, and the State of Idaho, Division of Financial Management. The TSA covers federal programs that meet the funding threshold established each year (currently $8,000,000) and establishes the procedures and requirements for the transfer of funds. These procedures require the State to calculate federal and State interest liabilities for these programs and to annually report the liabilities to the federal government.

Cash Management Improvement Act Agreement