Executive Agency Legislation Process
If you are trying to access the link from a State entity that is outside of the network, please contact ITS.
Questions? - Please contact Colby Cameron, Regulatory Analyst
The process and resources for developing legislation can be found in the Executive Agency Legislation Process Manual. This manual will assist you in the mechanics of drafting legislation and the process undertaken to review each proposal to ensure conformity with the Governor's priorities and initiatives. All executive branch agencies must submit legislation through this process.
The Executive Agency Legislation System (EALS) may be accessed at http://apps.dfm.idaho.gov/eals. There is also an Executive Agency Legislative System User Manual that details how to use the online application.
Please adhere to the following deadlines:
- June 24, 2021 - Last day to submit legislative ideas.
- August 12, 2021 - Last day to submit proposed/draft legislation.
Fiscal note templates
If you have questions about the system, please contact Colby Cameron at colby.cameron@dfm.idaho.gov or 854-3052.
All other questions should be directed to your special assistant in the Governor’s Office or your DFM analyst.