Official Government Website

Budget Bureau Analyst Assignments

100SenateDavid Hahn
101House of RepresentativesDavid Hahn
102Legislative Services OfficeDavid Hahn
104Performance Evaluations, Office ofDavid Hahn
110Judicial BranchAdam Jarvis
120Lieutenant Governor, Office of theDavid Hahn
130Secretary of State, Office of theDavid Hahn
140State Controller, Office of theDavid Hahn
150State Treasurer, Office of theDavid Hahn
160Attorney General, Office of theAdam Jarvis
170Superintendent of Public Instruction / State
Dept of Education
Katharine Hoehne
177Information Technology Services, Office ofChristopher Davis
178Workforce Development CouncilDavid Hahn
179STEM Action CenterKatharine Hoehne
180Financial Management, Division ofDavid Hahn
181Governor, Office of theDavid Hahn
183Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho
Hannah Covey
185Liquor DivisionJacob Sauer
187Aging, Commission onHannah Covey
189Blind and Visually Impaired, Commission for
Jacob Sauer
190Military DivisionAdam Jarvis
194Human Resources, Division ofDavid Hahn
195Species Conservation, Office ofLisa Herriot
196Arts, Idaho Commission on theTheresa Arnold
197Wolf Depredation Control BoardLisa Herriot
198Drug Policy, Office ofKatharine Hoehne
199Energy and Mineral Resources, Office ofLisa Herriot
200Administration, Department ofDavid Hahn
200aBond PaymentsDavid Hahn
200bCapital BudgetDavid Hahn
200cCapital CommissionDavid Hahn
210Agriculture, Department ofLisa Herriot
215Soil and Water Conservation CommissionLisa Herriot
220Commerce, Department ofDavid Hahn
230Correction, Department ofAdam Jarvis
231Correctional IndustriesAdam Jarvis
232Pardons and Parole, Commission ofAdam Jarvis
240Labor, Department ofDavid Hahn
245Environmental Quality, Department ofLisa Herriot
250Finance, Department ofHannah Covey
260Fish and Game, Department ofLisa Herriot
270Health and Welfare, Department ofHannah Covey
270aDomestic Violence CouncilHannah Covey
270bCouncil on Developmental DisabilitiesHannah Covey
280Insurance, Department ofHannah Covey
285Juvenile Corrections, Department ofAdam Jarvis
290Transportation Department, IdahoDavid Hahn
300Industrial CommissionJacob Sauer
320Lands, Department ofLisa Herriot
322Endowment Fund Investment BoardLisa Herriot
330State Police, IdahoAdam Jarvis
331Brand BoardAdam Jarvis
332Racing CommissionAdam Jarvis
340Parks and Recreation, Department ofLisa Herriot
341Lava Hot Springs FoundationLisa Herriot
351Tax Appeals, Board ofJacob Sauer
352Tax Commission, Idaho StateJacob Sauer
360Water Resources, Department ofLisa Herriot
427aOccupational and Professional Licenses,
Division of (Admin)
Jacob Sauer
427bOccupational and Professional Licenses,
Division of(Budget/BCRE/General Occupations)
Jacob Sauer
427h"Occupational and Professional Licenses,
Division of" (Health/Allied Health)
Jacob Sauer
438State Public Defender, Office ofAdam Jarvis
440Lottery Commission, Idaho StateJacob Sauer
441Hispanic Affairs, Idaho Commission onTheresa Arnold
443State Appellate Public Defender's OfficeAdam Jarvis
444Veterans Services, Division ofAdam Jarvis
460Administrative Hearings, Office of Adam Jarvis
470Health and Social Services Ombudsman, Office of Lisa Herriot
500Public Schools (K-12)Katharine Hoehne
500School for the Deaf and BlindKatharine Hoehne
501State Board of EducationTheresa Arnold
503Career and Technical EducationTheresa Arnold
511Lewis Clark State CollegeTheresa Arnold
512Boise State UniversityTheresa Arnold
513Idaho State UniversityTheresa Arnold
515Education Health ProgramsTheresa Arnold
516Education Special ProgramsTheresa Arnold
520Public Television, IdahoTheresa Arnold
521Libraries, Idaho Commission forKatharine Hoehne
522Historical Society, Idaho StateTheresa Arnold
523Vocational RehabilitationTheresa Arnold
523aCouncil for the Deaf and Hard HearingTheresa Arnold
525Public Charter School CommissionKatharine Hoehne
900Public Utilities CommissionTheresa Arnold
905State Independent Living CouncilHannah Covey
951Public Health District 1 (Panhandle)Hannah Covey
952Public Health District 2 (North Central)Hannah Covey
953Public Health District 3 (Southwest)Hannah Covey
954Public Health District 4 (Central)Hannah Covey
955Public Health District 5 (South Central)Hannah Covey
956Public Health District 6 (Southeastern)Hannah Covey
957Public Health District 7 (Eastern)Hannah Covey
990Capital BudgetDavid Hahn
505aCollege of Eastern IdahoTheresa Arnold
505bCollege of Southern IdahoTheresa Arnold
505cCollege of Western IdahoTheresa Arnold
505dNorth Idaho CollegeTheresa Arnold
514aUniversity of IdahoTheresa Arnold
514bAgricultural Research and ExtensionTheresa Arnold
515aDental Education Program, IdahoTheresa Arnold
516aMuseum of Natural History, IdahoTheresa Arnold
Millennium FundJacob Sauer
ver: 3.5.2a | last updated:
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